Utilization of parent input is offered through a number of forums including site and community booster organization groups to ensure a diverse representation. These groups allow for ongoing dialogue to take place between school staff and parents. These groups include all of the following below.
Parent Teacher Club
The Gettysburg Parent Teacher Club exists to enhance the learning, social, and physical environments of Gettysburg Elementary School. The Gettysburg PTC does this through membership and fundraising. This helps provide funds for items such as music instruments, computers, playground equipment, sports equipment, library books, improvements to the campus, scholarships, Red Ribbon Week, etc.
Gettysburg PTC also organizes volunteers for the classrooms, library book fairs, Grandparents' Day, and other activities throughout the year.
Gettysburg Elementary School continues to be a top achieving school in CUSD every year because our staff, students, and families take pride in our accomplishments. Through volunteering your time and resources, we will continue to achieve our goals and be a leading school in Clovis.
One way to make a difference at Gettysburg Elementary School, as well as with your child, is to volunteer to work in your child’s classroom. Many teachers have time for parents and grandparents to come in and help grade papers, make copies, read with students, etc. If you are available to help out for an hour or two during the week, check with your child’s teacher to see when you can come in. Our librarian could also use help putting books away periodically. You can also sign-up at Back-to-School Night to be a Head Room Parent or Room Parent for your child’s classroom. The Head Room Parents are responsible for organizing four class parties throughout the year: Harvest, Christmas, Valentine’s, and Year End parties. You will also be responsible for getting volunteers from your other parents for the Carnival, Snack Shack, and Movie Night. This position is great to share with another parent. You can also sign-up to be a Room Parent. A Room Parent is available to bring supplies for parties, and possibly volunteer for Carnival, Snack Shack, and Movie Night. This position does not mean that you have to help in the classroom. Many working parents who aren’t able to help in the classroom are still able to be Room Parents by sending party supplies or volunteering for after hour’s activities.
Shopping For $$$$$
It’s not every day that you can say you made money just by shopping. But, if you take advantage of these special opportunities, you can make money for Gettysburg Elementary School just by the purchases you already make.
SAVEMART S.H.A.R.E.S. Card If you shop at SAVEMART or Food Maxx, just swipe this card before you pay and 3% of your qualified purchases will be donated to the school. Cards can be picked up in the school office.
Office Depot When you shop at Office Depot, make sure you tell the cashier that you want your purchase to go toward Gettysburg Elementary. A percentage of your purchases will go to the school.
Box Tops for Education Box Tops are a unique way to help our school earn money. There are products throughout the grocery store and office supply store that carry Box Tops. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents for Gettysburg. Last year we made about $2,000.00 from turning in Box Tops. All you need to do is clip the Box Top off of the product and have your child turn them in to their teacher. Classes can win prizes throughout the year for bringing in the most Box Tops. Just make sure the date is on the Box Top, and that it hasn’t expired.
School Assessment and Review Team (SART): meets quarterly during the school year to assess and review effectiveness of policies, procedures, programs and curriculum/textbook adoption, which are in place or proposed at YOUR SCHOOL HERE. In March, CUSD conducts the annual SART Survey. This survey solicits parent opinion on curricular, co-curricular, technology, and other issues facing the district.
SART is the only body entitled to process these surveys; the compiled results are shared with the community.
Upcoming SART Meeting Dates: September 23, November 18, February 10, and April 28 at 2:00 PM
For more information contact: Katie Scalzo Email
SART Minutes
Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC): draws members from parents to represent our school at district level climate assessment/problem-solving meetings.
For more information contact: KatieScalzo@cusd.com
School Site Council
School Site Council (SSC): meets quarterly with administrative, teacher, parent and student representatives to review and adopt the school site plan and grant final approval on all categorical funds.
For more information contact: ShannaTyson@cusd.com
What is the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Why is the ELAC Important?
What Does the ELAC do?
How Do I Become a Member?
ELAC Minutes